The POPINS Multilingual Thesaurus for Latin America : An analysis of the draft prepared in March 1978 for Arthur Conning and Betty Johnson de Vodanovic

  • Año Publicación: 1978
  • Autor: Acuña, S
  • Recurso: En: Third Meeting of the Popins Multilingual Thesaurus Working Group, United Nations, N.Y. 2-4 May 1978.
  • Ciudad: Santiago, Chile
  • Editorial: CELADE
Acuña, S (1978). The POPINS Multilingual Thesaurus for Latin America : An analysis of the draft prepared in March 1978 for Arthur Conning and Betty Johnson de Vodanovic. En: Third Meeting of the Popins Multilingual Thesaurus Working Group, United Nations, N.Y. 2-4 May 1978. Santiago, Chile

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