Gastrostomy plus fundoplication or gastro jejunal tube versus gastrostomy alone for gastro esophageal reflux in children with neurological impairment

  • Año Publicación: 2022
  • Autor: Flores, JC, Campos, JM, Cohen, E., Torres-Robles, R., Atenafu, EG., Arredondo, C., Jofré, M., y Gana. JC.
  • Url: IR A LINK
  • Recurso: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022, (11), CD015007.
Flores, JC, Campos, JM, Cohen, E., Torres-Robles, R., Atenafu, EG., Arredondo, C., Jofré, M., y Gana. JC. (2022). Gastrostomy plus fundoplication or gastro jejunal tube versus gastrostomy alone for gastro esophageal reflux in children with neurological impairment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022, (11), CD015007.

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